Monday, December 12, 2011

get rid of man boobs

How to Get Rid of Man Boobs


Man boobs are a common problem among overweight men, especially in the United States as the obesity rate continues to climb. Moobs, as they are sometimes referred to, are unattractive and cause insecurity in men because they look like they have boobs. The scientific term for this problem is gynecomastia and it can effect young boys going through puberty, overweight men, men who use steroids, and even men who workout every day.

For men who no longer want to stay covered up with t-shirts at the beach, by the pool, or when mowing the lawn, surgery is one option to reduce man boobs. Liposuction and excision are the two methods of surgery. The first step in gynecomastia surgery is to get an examination by a licensed doctor. The doctor feels the patient’s chest, focusing on the area around the nipple and areola. He looks for soft, loose fat spread throughout the chest or a hard mass found underneath the nipple.
Liposuction works great for soft, loose fat. The fat is sucked out of the chest using an instrument that looks like a straw. If a hard mass is found, excision is the method used. A small incision is made, usually about half the size of the areola, and the mass is taken out. In some cases, liposuction is performed after an excision to get rid of any remaining fat. Both methods are used to make the chest as flat as possible.
Surgery isn’t an option for everyone due to cost and preference. For boys going through puberty, the best method for combating moobs is time. Most adolescents will lose their man boobs by the time they turn eighteen. As men age, their metabolism slows and the food and drink they once indulged in begin to show in places like the chest. This is where diet and exercise comes in.
This doesn’t mean you have to stop drinking beer with the guys or eating chocolate bars completely. Eat sweets and other non-health foods in moderation and start hitting the gym. Choose lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and drink plenty of water. Eating a healthy diet and working out is a great combination. You should see a decrease in your gynecomastia at a faster rate than if you only do one or the other.

Get plenty of aerobic exercise. Get your heart rate pumping by going for a run, hiking, skiing, or the treadmill. Weightlifting is another great exercise to get rid of unsightly chest fat. Combine weightlifting with aerobic exercise for the best results. Use the incline bench press at the gym and a set of free weights to work the muscles in your chest. Focus on your lower chest, shoulders, and back.
There are pills on the market that are specifically designed to help men lose unwanted fat in their chests. Not all pills that claim to decrease fat in the chest are FDA approved or work. Before taking any pills, whether they are herbal, over the counter, or prescribed, talk with your doctor.
Gynexin is a popular pill used to reduce chest fat. This pill claims to target fat cells in the chest and reduce them naturally. It is made from natural ingredients. Tamoxifen is a commonly used medication to minimize man breasts and must be prescribed by a doctor. This medication has proven to work better on patients who begin taking it at the first sign of unwanted fat in their chests.

When you know the secrets of how to get rid of man boobs naturally, it isn't that hard. Before you try however, I do advise you go and see your doctor to make sure there isn't any serious medical cause.
Most people have man boobs because they have too much of the female hormone estrogen, either from being overweight, or from estrogen in their environment. Estrogen is a sex hormone which is found in higher levels in women and causes them to develop breasts. High estrogen levels can also cause men to develop breasts.
Being overweight causes high estrogen because fat cells both store estrogen and convert the male hormone testosterone into estrogen. Not all fat guys have man boobs however, because their breast tissue just isn't as sensitive to estrogen as yours or mine.
Estrogen makes its way into your body from countless sources in your environment. This includes your water supply, the food you eat and even the air you breathe (estrogen-like particles are found in vehicle exhaust fumes).
How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs Step #1: Estrogen Avoidance
The first step is to avoid estrogen every way that you can. The list of avoidance tactics is endless. Some of the more important ones include:
Avoiding alcohol: by affecting the liver, alcohol reduces the amount of estrogen removed from your body. As a result, estrogen accumulate in your body.

Avoiding milk and dairy, or at least going organic: In many places around the world, cows are pumped with estrogen by farmers because it causes them to produce more milk. Going organic is great, but it's better to avoid milk and dairy altogether because you'll still be consuming the cow's own estrogen, which is extremely high when it's producing milk (this didn't used to be the case 100 years ago, but farming tactics have changed)
How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs Step #2: Dietary Tactics That Reduce Estrogen And Increase Testosterone
Testosterone is the male sex hormone, which gives men their increased muscle mass, broad shoulders, deep voice and other male features. It works against estrogen and fights against it to reduce male breast tissue. Some powerful dietary tactics for reducing man boobs include:
Increasing your intake of oats: People who eat oats are generally known to live longer. One of the many benefits of oats is its ability to increase the hormone testosterone in your body.
Eat small, frequent meals: If you go for longer than three hours without food, your body goes into a hunger state, where estrogen levels rise in comparison to testosterone.

How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs Step #3: Exercises That Actively Shrink Man Boobs
Certain exercises are known to shock the body into releasing a flood of good chemicals and hormones, creating a hormonal balance that gets to work almost immediately at burning off that excess chest fat. These hormones also signal your body to broaden your chest and build more muscle.
These are exercises that do two things: they stimulate the entire body by working out the body's largest muscle groups, and they work these muscle groups in a way that forces the body to release hormones that can change your body's frame and architecture.

One such exercise includes high intensity interval training (HIIT). Done only for a few minutes, HIIT (when you do it properly) can stimulate a huge surge of hormones that will get to work at reshaping your body, with effects from each workout lasting a good few days.
The above steps on how to get rid of man boobs naturally are all you need in order to get a perfectly flat chest fat in just a few short weeks. To find out about all the different estrogen avoidance, dietary and exercise tactics that have been shown to shrink male breasts right down, click here to visit How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally

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